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【星湖大讲坛】第15期:Prof. Alexander Zipf | 志愿者地理信息在气候行动和人道主义援助中的潜力和隐患
发布时间:2024-01-11     来源:武汉大学测绘遥感信息工程国家重点实验室     浏览:1093次




Prof. Alexander Zipf




Potential and Pitfalls of Volunteered Geographic Information for Climate Action and humanitarian Aid






Prof. Dr. Alexander Zipf is chair of GIScience (Geoinformatics) at Heidelberg University (Department of Geography) since late 2009. He is member of the Centre for Scientific Computing (IWR) and founding member of the Heidelberg Center for the Environment (HCE). From 2012-2014 he was Managing Director of the Department of Geography, Heidelberg University. In 2011-2012 he acted as Vice Dean of the Faculty for Chemistry and Geosciences, Heidelberg University. Currently he is busy establishing the non-profit applied research institute Heidelberg Institute for Geoinformation Technology (HeiGIT), where he is Scientific Director.

2012 -2018 he was speaker of the graduate school “Crowd Analyser - Spatio-temporal Analysis of User-generated Content“. He is also member of the editorial board of several journals and organized a set of conferences and workshops. 2012-2015 he was regional editor of the ISI Journal Transactions in GIS (Wiley). Currently he is associated editor of the international journal Geo-spatial Information Science (GSIS) by Taylor & Francis (open access).

Before coming to Heidelberg he led the Chair of Cartography at Bonn University and earlier was Professor for Applied Computer Science and Geoinformatics at the University of Applied Sciences in Mainz, Germany. He has a background in Mathematics and Geography from Heidelberg University and finished his PHD at the European Media Laboratory EML in Heidelberg where he was the first PhD student. There he also conducted further research as a PostDoc for 3 years.


As we all and especially urban areas grapple with the challenges posed by climate change, the need for effective strategies and tools to promote climate action readiness and sustainable urban development has become paramount. This talk explores the potential of OpenStreetMap (OSM) as a powerful open data platform for generating high-resolution spatial indicators that facilitate climate action, support urban planning and in particular the vision of a 15-Minute City. By harnessing the wealth of geospatial data available in OpenStreetMap, it becomes possible to derive spatial high-resolution indicators that reflect a city's climate action readiness, such as the distribution of renewable energy infrastructure, green spaces, and public transportation networks.

Also the potential of OSM for realising the concept of a 15-Minute City will be discussed. The 15-Minute City is an urban planning approach aimed at creating self-sufficient neighbourhoods where residents can access most essential services and amenities within a 15-minute walk or bike ride. Leveraging OpenStreetMap's data and tools like https://openrouteservice.org, it is possible to calculate and visualise accessibility of various amenities, including schools, healthcare facilities, grocery stores, and recreational areas. These indicators enable urban planners and policymakers to identify gaps in accessibility, prioritise infrastructure investments, and promote sustainable and equitable urban development.

To tackle the challenges related to OSM data quality, the presentation will also give an overview of services like https://ohsome.org  by the Heidelberg Institute for Geoinformation Technology (HeiGIT). These services provide tools and methodologies for analysing OSM data quality, including assessing data completeness and identifying data gaps. By leveraging such services, climate action planners can gain insights into the reliability of OSM data in specific regions, enabling them to make informed decisions and augment missing data through targeted mapping efforts.

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