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ISPRS 2026 – 2030 重要职位任职候选人竞选通知
发布时间:2024-11-29     来源:ISPRS     浏览:3376次

ISPRS开始征集2026-2030阶段新一届重要职位任职候选人,职务包括执行局成员(主席、副主席、秘书长、司库)、2030 Congress举办单位及会议主席、技术委员会主席及副主席、2027地理空间周(ISPRS GSW 2027)举办单位及会议主席。


Call for Bids for the ISPRS 2026 – 2030 Term

Dear ISPRS Ordinary Members,

We are pleased to announce an open call for bidding for important positions and events within our organization for the period 2026-2030.

Ordinary Members who consider themselves in a position to support candidates for the respective offices, or who wish to bid for an event, are welcome to send the necessary documents to the Secretary General by the given deadline. For further information please contact ISPRS Secretary General JIANG Jie at isprs-sg@isprs.org.


1. ISPRS Council Officer Positions for the 2026-2030 Term

Ordinary Members may bid for ISPRS President, Vice President, Secretary General or Treasurer positions. The responsibilities and obligations of the elected officers are set forth in ISPRS BYLAW VIII – Officers and BYLAW XI - Council (see https://www.isprs.org/documents/bylaws.aspx), and Responsibilities and Duties of ISPRS Council Members (see https://www.isprs.org/documents/pdf/240120-Green_Book.pdf). Guidelines can also be found at https://www.isprs.org/documents/guidelines/c-gide.aspx.

ISPRS Ordinary Members wishing to host a position of a Council Member shall submit an application to the ISPRS Secretary General before 1st March 2026. The application shall contain the following information:

  ● name of Ordinary Member making the application;

  ● name of the proposed Council Officer and the intended position;

  ● brief CV of the candidate, especially experience in ISPRS activities;

  ● a provisional plan for the position in the following 4 years.

All Ordinary Members are entitled to vote. The results will be announced directly after voting.

2. Bids to Host the XXVI ISPRS Congress 2030

Ordinary Members may bid to host the XXVI ISPRS Congress 2030 by nominating a Congress Director and proposing the site of the Congress. The Congress Director is a member of the ISPRS Council. The responsibilities and obligations of the Congress Director are set forth in BYLAW IX – Congress and BYLAW XI - Council (see https://www.isprs.org/documents/bylaws.aspx), and Responsibilities and Duties of ISPRS Council Members (see https://www.isprs.org/documents/pdf/240120-Green_Book.pdf). Guidelines can also be found at https://www.isprs.org/documents/guidelines/conggide.aspx. A Sample Congress Contract, which the Ordinary Member hosting the Congress is to sign with ISPRS Council, can be found at https://www.isprs.org/documents/Default.aspx.

ISPRS Ordinary Members wishing to host the XXVI ISPRS Congress 2030 shall submit an application to the ISPRS Secretary General before 1st March 2026. The application shall contain the following information in the form of a bidding book comprising:

  ● dates and location of the Congress;

  ● name and brief CV of the proposed Congress Director;

  ● preliminary financial budget;

  ● supporting letters, etc.

During the General Assembly of the XXV ISPRS Congress 2026, the Congress Director candidate shall present the proposal. All Ordinary Members may vote, and the result will be announced directly after voting.

3. Bids to Host ISPRS Technical Commissions in the 2026-2030 Term

Ordinary Members may bid to host Technical Commissions in the 2026-2030 term. Each Technical Commission will have one President, one Vice President and one Scientific Secretary. The bid shall be presented by the proposed Commission President who also introduces the Vice President from the co-hosting Ordinary Member. The responsibilities and obligations of the elected officers are set forth in BYLAW XIII - Technical Commissions (see https://www.isprs.org/documents/bylaws.aspx), and ISPRS Orange Book – Manual of Operation of ISPRS Technical Commissions and Working Groups (see https://www.isprs.org/documents/orangebook.aspx). A Sample Symposium Contract, which the Ordinary Member hosting the Technical Commission is to sign with ISPRS Council for the Technical Commission Symposium, can be found at https://www.isprs.org/documents/Default.aspx.

ISPRS Ordinary Members wishing to host a Technical Commission shall submit an application to the ISPRS Secretary General before 1st March 2026. The application shall contain the following information:

  ● name(s) of Ordinary Member(s) making the application;

  ● names of the proposed Technical Commission President (TCP) and Vice -President (preferably from another Ordinary Member) and the Scientific Secretary (max. one each);

  ● a provisional plan for financial and management arrangements;

  ● a provisional plan for technical meetings (Symposium, contribution to Geospatial Week, workshops etc.).

During the General Assembly of the XXV ISPRS Congress 2026, the Commission President candidate shall present the proposal. All Ordinary Members may vote, and the result will be announced directly after voting.

4. Bids to Host ISPRS Geospatial Week 2027

Candidates may bid to host the ISPRS Geospatial Week, to be held in 2027 (ISPRS GSW 2027). Guidelines for the ISPRS Geospatial Week are available at https://www.isprs.org/documents/orangebook/app10.aspx. A Sample Geospatial Week Contract, which the Ordinary Member hosting ISPRS GSW 2027 is to sign with ISPRS Council, can be found at https://www.isprs.org/documents/Default.aspx.

A written bid application should be sent to ISPRS Council before 1st March 2025. The bid is to be presented in a special session during Geospatial Week 2025, to be held 6-11 April in Dubai, UAE. The application should comprise of

  ● the names of the prospective GSW Director, the local organiser(s) and the members of the local organising committee;

  ● a tentative location and date for the Geospatial Week;

  ● an estimate of the budget and a schedule of proposed registration fees;

  ● a list of tentative workshops to be organised within the Geospatial Week including names of potential workshop organisers (note: a call for workshops can be launched at a later stage).

During GSW 2025, the Geospatial Week Selection Committee will select the site for the GSW 2027 from proposals submitted by interested parties. The committee is composed of the Director of the current and of the previous Geospatial Weeks, the chairs of the workshops being held at GSW 2025, the Council members, the Technical Commission Presidents, the ISAC Chair, the IPAC Chair, the IIAC Chair, the TIF Chair, the President of the Student Consortium, and one representative of each sponsor of GSW 2025 (three highest sponsorship levels only). Each member can be accompanied by an advisor. Those members of the Geospatial Week Selection Committee who are in attendance are entitled to vote.

Voting will take place immediately after the presentation of the bids.

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